I’m here to tell you to embrace your gray hair – and don’t think of it as granny gray, its SPECTACULAR SILVER!
I will be honest, being a shiny silver does not come completely naturally without any product. Using a Purple & Blue Hair mask has been amazing at keeping out the brassy tones – and is a wonderful conditioner also.
As our hair thins and changes texture with aging, its also important to find a hairstyle that helps it to look thicker, “complies” with your styling efforts, and also works with your face shape. For some ideas, check out a Pinterest board I created here.
To reduce the amount of heat applied to my hair, when I get out of the shower I comb my hair into place and then throw on a microfiber hair towel wrap. Then I proceed to get dressed and do my make-up, with making drying my hair the last step to reduce the amount of heat I use from the hair dryer.